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Prints and slideshow
The Logo of the Tourist Structure can be inserted both in the sales slides and in the print layout. For an outstanding media effect!
We transform our customers’ photos into beautiful paintings. Thanks to a made in Italy artisan production, 320gr canvas, Epson Ultra Chrome K-3 inks
with natural pigments and an eco-friendly wooden frame.
State-of-the-art software
Absolute simplicity in managing hundreds of shots per day. Projection of photos in a fun and absolutely rapid way with the possibility of inserting logos or frames on the print layout.
Literally a “Video Wall” consisting in a panel made up of 2 to 16 monitors with images of guests on vacation, local colours and sporting moments that merge into a panel with a strong visual impact. Two or more monitors may be used for slides of promotional images of other connected tourist structures or promotional images for excursions of the same structure.